Mindset Training Testimonials

My child went from hating school to thriving. - 8th Grade Parent

Mindset Training Testimonials: Parents

These mindset training testimonials came unsolicited from parents and due to FERPA laws student identities have been hidden.

“My [child] went from hating school... to thriving in this classroom.”

"...that is wonderful news about his/her "turnaround"! I credit your kindness, skill & patience. Your guidance has has such a positive impact on him/her - such a blessing. I cannot thank you enough." 

“...I even resisted moving [our child] over to this program; we were at wits end... [Our child] has been in this program for several months and what a difference.”

“For reasons both known and unknown my [child] was sinking in the mainstream by mid-year... At this point after two months I no longer see [my child] in a lose-lose situation...[my child] has increased self-confidence; is responding to instruction and participating in [his/her] own education...”

“I hope you realize what a powerful impact you’ve had on [our child] and our family...”

Last year [my child] was overwhelmed... He/she was very weary of school and it showed...This year has been good bordering on great.”

“He/she [our former student] talks about how you and your team completely turned things around for her/him academically… we saw a curriculum which simultaneously broke down prior notions about ability levels, recreated new pathways to learning, and aggressively allowed the new learning to take place, in volumes!”

"Not sure how to even begin to thank you! The difference you made in [our child's] middle school years s immeasurable! We are going to miss having you on our "team" but I know you gave [him/her] the tools to succeed in high school."

"The program completely changed my attitude and behavior." 8th grade Student

Mindset Training Testimonials: Students

These mindset training testimonials came unsolicited from students and due to FERPA laws student identities have been hidden.

“The program changed my behavior. I don’t get picked on in this class and I have made more friends.”


“This has been the best school experience in my opinion. This class has helped me from struggling in math to excelling. I have also been able to make friends when I didn’t before.”


“This is one of the best classes I have ever been in and I have made way more friends since I’ve been in here.”


“I feel very comfortable here and have made more friends...I struggled in the mainstream and have improved in the [class]. I would consider this [class] anytime. It is definitely worth everything in the world.”


“Being in [your class] has been the best academic experience I have ever had. Being in this class means so much to me...”


…I wanted to check in and say I really value the time I spent in your class…I wouldn't have been as successful in high school if it wasn't for the skills I learned [from you]. Thanks for everything!

Thank you for coming to my graduation! You really helped me when I was in your class. If it weren't for your class I'd probably still be at home not caring about succeeding in life. You've taught me a lot and I truly appreciate it. I hope all is well with you, and thank you for staying in my life. 

“I just took midterms -... Right now I have a 97… 98… 98… 96… 94;... thank you so much for all your help over the two years I got to be in your class. If it hadn’t been for all the times you sat down with me [working on my mindset]… I would have been so lost this year…”

Learn more on how my clients help their teens blossom into mature, joyful, focused, and successful young adults by watching my free webinar. Just click on the link below.

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My Big Game Not rated yet
It was my senior year and my baseball team was about to face the 7th ranked team in our playoff battle. We were the 15th ranked team and had to win a play …

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