Train your child’s mindset,
train them to become a champion of life.

Before one can become a champion of life, there is work that needs to be done on their mindset.

The heavy equipment rolled in. There was digging, blasting, more digging, and more blasting. The engineers were on site to make sure the excavation for the new bridge across the rocky ravine was progressing along and the obstacles were being removed so they could lay the firm foundation. Before building a bridge, the ground gets excavated so the foundation can be properly laid. It is no different if we are going to build the mindset of a champion bridge that will allow you to easily leave the land of quiet desperation and move to the land of success and contentment. Before trying to build that mindset, clearing obstacles need to be done. If obstacles aren't cleared it becomes more challenging to become a champion of life.

Champion of Life and The All Important Growth Mindset

The growth mindset that is essential to live in this land of success and contentment or to be a champion of life is characterized by the following traits:

Core belief: Intelligence can be developed which

Leads to a desire to learn and therefor a tendency to:

  • embrace challenges
  • persist in the face of setbacks
  • sees effort as a path to mastery
  • learns from criticism
  • finds lessons and inspiration in the success of others

As a result people with a growth mindset attain higher levels of achievement. They are more likely to become a champion of life.

Here at Success Institutes we argue that the core belief goes beyond the idea that intelligence can be developed. That is too narrow. The core belief really is that I am at cause. In other words, I am the one who determines what I do about whatever situation I find myself in whether that situation was brought on by my own actions and decisions or whether I am where I am because of something that happened outside my control. The person with a mindset of a champion says it doesn’t matter how I got here, what matters is what I do with it. That is a profound shift in thinking from someone who has what Carol Dwek calls a fixed mindset. If someone wants to build that growth mindset or mindset of a champion it is obviously best to first “clear the ground” so you can properly lay the foundation and then build the bridge (mindset).

I am the one who determines what I do about whatever situation I find myself in whether that situation was brought on by my own actions and decisions or whether I am where I am because of something that happened outside of my control.

Champion of Life and the Importance of a Personal Breakthrough

Our personal breakthrough training program does just that. In fact, simply clearing the ground is often enough for a person to begin experiencing those characteristics listed above. Our argument is there is much more to being a champion of life than just those traits, but you most definitely can’t go wrong with those alone.

The success of our personal breakthrough training program, as well as our other programs, is we apply HEAT to the problem. HEAT stands for habits, emotions, attitude, training. The approach is designed to train the habits, emotional management, and attitude that makes up the mindset of a champion. Over seventy days the personal breakthrough program will focus on building morning and evening rituals clearing your past from limiting decisions and negative emotions that prevent you from becoming the very best you can be.

Most approaches to personal achievement and growth focus on tools of motivation and goal setting. These are very important tools which need to be taught, but if you don’t first clear the ground you are laying the foundation on, the improperly prepared ground can cause disastrous consequences in the long run.

The metaphor we use is that all of us, like the ghost Marley from A Christmas Carol, carry an invisible chain of all the limiting decisions or beliefs and undealt with negative emotions we have made. The old approach provides us a vehicle (some better than others) to move forward, but doesn’t typically address the chain that we are lugging around. Our breakthrough training is about locating and removing all these invisible chains and giving you a vehicle to move you forward.

Champion of Life - Two Case Studies

The process we use can reap great rewards. Take the case of Steve. Steve was a student who did poorly in school academically and was socially awkward. By using the HEAT method and reframing his or her limiting decisions around school, in particular math, he or she was able to gain two math grades in less than a year and went from the 10th percentile (90% of peers scored higher) on a nationally normed math test to the 50th percentile. He or she also “made way more friends” than he or she ever did before and started competing on the track team.

The process is incredibly affective with athletes as well. Take the case of Mark who was Division 1 talent playing on a Division III program. Mark had some serious limiting decisions that were literally sabotaging his success. He was a pitcher who would dominate for 5, 6, even 7 innings before suddenly “losing” it. He and his coach were totally frustrated. By reframing and clearing past limiting beliefs – in this case it was the belief that a small town kids would never really be able to compete with the “big boys from away” – and negative emotions (fear), Mark became the pitcher of the year in his conference two years running and even began attracting the attention of pro scouts.  

A Champion of Life Conquers the Stresses of Life, Do You?

Imagine the impact releasing the deeply held unconscious beliefs that so many students develop which limit their ability. Beliefs like, “I’m not good at…”, “I am a [negative]…” “I can’t do…” and so on. Most teens, and most adults, don’t even know most of their I am not or I cannot statements. Most people also are never taught how to use some powerful emotional management tools to healthily deal with stress, so they can be much more productive.

The American Psychological Association[1] reports that:

  • 10% of teens say stress causes them to get lower grades than they think they can get
  • 59% of teens say balancing all their activities causes stress
  • 40% say they neglect home responsibilities due to stress.
  • 40% say they're irritable due to stress
  • 37% said stress causes them to feel overwhelmed
  • 36% say they feel tired because of stress
  • 30% say they feel sad or depressed because of stress

Think about those numbers for a minute and then think about your own life. Stress is a part of life, yet stress can have devastating consequences for your health and your performance at school, on the job, or any area of your life. Unfortunately, there are too many people out there who think that removing the stressors or giving students a place to “feel safe” is the solution. It isn’t. In fact, it is crippling teens. Far too many teens feel fear and fold, feel worry and wilt, feel sad and surrender. This phenomena is why the term snowflake came into being. The solution is to train them to appropriately deal with the stressors. That is what builds champions.


Champion of Life - Help Your Teen Become One

The personal development industry is a billion dollar industry. High achievers spend thousands of dollars on coaches and seminars and training programs. If high achievers know it is vital for their success, why do we ignore it as part of the educational development of teens? Shouldn’t it be a foundational component like math, science, social studies, and English Language Arts? When school is supposed to be their priority, their profession, wouldn’t that be the BEST opportunity for them to partake of this type of training? Of course it would. If you are a parent wouldn’t a training program that helps prepare your child mentally to deal with life’s challenges be priceless. You know it would. You also know it would be worth at least as much as your average college level class, don’t you? If you are going to invest on average over $160,000 on their four year college education wouldn’t it be wise to hedge your investment with mindset training, the real key for getting the most value out of your education? We certainly think so. Our training curriculum is about one thing:


5 step strategy my clients use to
help their teens develop the skills to win at life.

So many parents say to me they are trying to find something… anything to help their child develop the self-confidence and inner fortitude that is necessary to succeed in school and become a champion of life, but they are still stuck with the old, school based solutions like guidance groups, special education classes, or “alternative” education classes that don’t address the core problem.

 I know this sounds crazy, but go with me...

 The parents we work with go from seeing their child struggle with any one of the following: high stress, low self-confidence, poor peer relations, academic pressures, or fear to watching their child thrive in and out of the classroom without having to rely on ineffective and stigmatizing school based or community based classes or programs.

Sure, someone could try guidance groups, social work groups, or whatever else public schools might offer them, but only if they want their child to address their problems slowly and with more of a struggle.

But, the simple fact is our parents watch their teen train the habits, emotional management, and attitude that will prepare them for success in and out of school without having to worry about their child feeling insecure, or stigmatized by being placed in “special” programs and classes.

Ready to see how we help teens become a champion of life? Then hit the link below to get your name down for my 100% free presentation.

It’s a must watch for any parent who is serious about helping their child become happy, well rounded and confident adults.

Please consider joining our private Facebook group: Mastering Your Growth Mindset

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